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Happy tonight, just met the farmer up the road who has let me on his ground, he's got pigeons on his peas, had a look as its just across the road from me and theres quite a few, he says a couple of shots and they disappear, Ill have to give it a go and show a presence, its too close to home to not bother, plus they have to harvest them and I would like to be around for that!!!



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I've got a large field of peas near me which has had only a few pigeons feeding on it since being drilled (now coming into flower) and that was late afternoon early evening recently, so very best of luck.

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Just been for a walk and theres quite a few now, very flighty quite a bit of wind, will be picking my gear up in a bit along with some thawed birds, Left all my gear at work 20mins up the road, won't do that again. I just hope I can create enough of a draw with the magnet and pattern that they don't all ****** off. The field I just looked at is getting a proper hammering I can't believe all the people this fella has given permission to are missing it, unless they know something I don't!!

I'll find out later...

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Well done.


Keep an eye on that field, it should give a few good days yet, and yet again at harvest.


Keep your farmer informed and you no doubt will have continual shooting on his land.


Good luck

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Well done, a good result, I have hundreds of acres of peas , I've been out many times but they wont stay in one place, or come back once disturbed, so I'm just getting 2 or 3 on arrival, then nothing no matter how long I wait, I have now given up as the peas are up and in flower so difficult access, I have just started on newly planted sugar beet which is beginning to produce some good numbers, then back onto the barley as it ripens, no rest for the wicked. :good::good:

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Yep I should have left it a while longer, I picked up six in an hour and a half tonight, funny thing is I opted for a rapid set up and shot a couple of birds, thought I would pack up so wrapped up the net, put the poles away and bought in the plastic decoys and then they started to come in better, so I ambushed em from behind a tree using the two dead birds out in the field, still good fun but will leave it work a while now, maybe try the field next but one which is having a few in it now, but its a bit tight so will need to watch my angles!!!


I am only going to use dead birds If I can, I ve seen the difference tonight in birds chinking away or committing more readily!

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Yep I should have left it a while longer, I picked up six in an hour and a half tonight, funny thing is I opted for a rapid set up and shot a couple of birds, thought I would pack up so wrapped up the net, put the poles away and bought in the plastic decoys and then they started to come in better, so I ambushed em from behind a tree using the two dead birds out in the field, still good fun but will leave it work a while now, maybe try the field next but one which is having a few in it now, but its a bit tight so will need to watch my angles!!!


I am only going to use dead birds If I can, I ve seen the difference tonight in birds chinking away or committing more readily!


You cannot beat dead birds as decoys, breast them out first then there's no waste. set up high on cradles or on sticks the Garrot way. :yes::yes:

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