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Should've checked


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Had a phone call from bumpy 22 today ,to say they were cutting a lot of grass on one of his permissions.

we made arrangements to meet up later to have a walk around in the evening and then do a bit of lamping.


We met around 9.00ish.I left the disco parked up and went in his truck. We stopped at the field gate and decided to walk the hill, so across the first field and started up the hill to the new gate. (now bumpy has a wicked hand call, that really brings them in)


Anyway he whispered fox and started to call (well I think he whispered cos I'm getting deafer)

He said I'll call it in a bit, which he duly did, to about 80 yds . He said in my ear take your time, because he thought I was excited, If truth were known I was puffing like a steam train cos I'd just walked up the hill a bit.

Anyway took the shot and we had one down.


We carried on up the hill and across the top, when half way down the other end, we had another little call but nothing came, so we watched a couple of Badgers rooting about for a few minutes. Back to the truck and on to the next patch of ground.


As we looked over the gate across a field of mowing grass to the next field I was aware of a movement by a gate, it was fox no2. no shot on there so we waited a bit until it came into view again, Ed had the lamp on it

but I could see wire across it's body so had to let it get out a bit before I could take the shot. He wasn't to bothered about us, Eventually it cleared the fence and I took the shot, thwack, good contact but it ran a few yards, flipped a couple of times and then went down. Because a house was at the bottom of this field we decided to pick it up on the way back for the photo. and not flash the lamp around.

We watched it for a while to make sure it was properly down and wasn't getting up and carried on, saw another by the motorway so no shot, and then Ed spotted a roe buck in the grass, and we watched as it bounded off up the hill.

We worked our way back around to pick up number two, Gone! We hadn't left after it had gone down for a good five minutes, but hadn't crossed the field and fences to check. Lesson learned I think. we were both annoyed with ourselves for this schoolboy error.(will not happen again) It's all very well saying how good we are on here, but when I muck up I think I should be man enough to say I cocked up.


Anyway here is a picture of no 1. Oh and by the way we were using my .222 homeloads. it may not look it in the photo but it was a big boy.


Edited by tonker
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