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Perazzi MX4C


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Any chance of a picture?

Haven't picked it up yet unfortunately as I simply don't have room.

Bought a Grand European there a few weeks ago for a mate, which is in my cabinet while his tickets are in for renewal ( another reason why you shouldn't hand them in :) ) and have a few of mine I want to part-ex for the Perazzi ( including two which I'm buying off him which are presently on his ticket ) so until mate gets his tickets back then I thought it best it stayed with them. Frustrating really, dying to get out and have a go with it.



Yep. Can't seem to stay away from there at the moment. Went down there with another mate yesterday who had bought a very nice ATA self-loader but was smitten with a Maxus, so is now having it converted to S1, so it looks like there'll be a few more trips down there yet. Getting expensive; have already bought another pump!

We were joking with them about having to bring our own kettle as they were a tad slow making us a brew, ( not slow, just very busy really ) but anyhow, mate was in kitchen yesterday making them himself. :yes: He's an embarrassment to go into a gunshop with as he's always on the cadge. I don't mind a bit of bartering but he doesn't know when to stop; nearly had the staff in tears yesterday. :) All good fun.

Mark/Mike (?) Stone was in there yesterday picking up some shotgun or other, so look out for yet another glowing report. There's never a bad un. :)

Cracking shop and great staff.

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