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Impulsive Purchase


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At the Scottish game fair yesterday I was having a look around the Gilsan Sports stand and spied two versions of the Guerini Invictus, the Ascent model with a trap style forend and an Impact model with regular forend.


Having had both off the rack for a feel and to shoulder I liked both, but the Ascent just felt better for me, the slightly raised rib gave a great site picture and the gun just felt right in the hands. Did a bit of humming and hawing overnight and went back up today with my 20g CG Forum, that just does not fit me, in tow to see if a trade in deal could be done.


Suffice to say I left the show with the new gun and also a 20G Silver Pigeon for the missus. The 20g for her was a half plan for this show, the new gun for me really wasn't.


Really looking forward to having a blast with the new toy and seeing how it works out. 32" barrel and another 3/4" extended chokes so longer than I am used to and it is a heavier gun, but the balance is spot on for me.


My wife is a happy bunny too with her new toy so a good, albeit slightly expensive, day.


The guys at Gilsan were a pleasure to deal with, we came to a very fair agreement over the deal that both parties were happy with so all in all an enjoyable experience.

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Thanks. No pics yet, but I will get some taken. It has a silver action and a full and fairly chunky pistol grip.


Scully, this isn't my gun, but it is the same as this:


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Very nice :good: Wish I could afford that kind of impulse buy :yes::lol:

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Very nice :good: Wish I could afford that kind of impulse buy :yes::lol:

It was largely funded by the trade in thankfully and was also greatly helped by some unexpected, but very welcome, extra days consulting requested by one of my customers.


Boy ,I am glad my wife doesn't shoot . That would be two of us visiting shows and gun shops and making impulsive buys . Two very nice guns ,I hope you both enjoy them .



Thanks Harnser and it does get to be a bit pricey as twice the cartridges, twice the number of clays, etc.

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Boy ,I am glad my wife doesn't shoot . That would be two of us visiting shows and gun shops and making impulsive buys . Two very nice guns ,I hope you both enjoy them .


Mine walked over to meet me couple of months back, never really been interested in shooting and asked if she could come with me and if she enjoyed it can she have one and take it up
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