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land rover series 3 88" csw restoration project.


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i went out thursday night, and still dont feel right :lol: not a big drinker but when i do go out, i go out :good: as for the later, nailed on :lol::lol:

and yes im very pleased to of got that lump back in, better if i had the bulkhead to go back on too, but all good things :lol::lol::good::good::good:

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just out of interest what have you filled the front axel swivel joints with..........ep 90/120 or did you go for the molygrease...

nothing yet, iv decided to buy some new ones as every time i look at them there the only thing letting it down £100 a pop though, has to be done though, even thought of some gaiter kits to cover them, as there ok but just dont look good.but i have got some molygrease



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nothing yet, iv decided to buy some new ones as every time i look at them there the only thing letting it down £100 a pop though, has to be done though, even thought of some gaiter kits to cover them, as there ok but just dont look good.but i have got some molygrease

also im going sand down and re paint these whatever there called, as when i did them i didnt use any primer and there already looking poor,



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Not quite right, some old series have 16 forward and 4 reverse

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yeah and you need a Tom-Tom to find them :lol:



if the gates are set and adjusted right ...the change should be slick as snot,...........dont forget a lot of these gearboxes havnt been touched for 50 years...some even running without oil...".eerrr when was the last time you maintained you gearbox sir ?"....".eeerrr that would be when winston churchill died....i remember now cause i had a day off"

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yeah and you need a Tom-Tom to find them :lol:



if the gates are set and adjusted right ...the change should be slick as snot,...........dont forget a lot of these gearboxes havnt been touched for 50 years...some even running without oil...".eerrr when was the last time you maintained you gearbox sir ?"....".eeerrr that would be when winston churchill died....i remember now cause i had a day off"

And its not always serious ditchman, late last year my gear lever started jumping selector. Whiped gear lever out, no nylon bush, or hardly a ball left. Fitted new gear lever, thought i was back in the 80s driving my MK1 RS2000 with close ratio box. :lol:

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A mate that restores old motor cycles uses something called origiplate for chassis type painting. Much better than hammerite that I have just discovered is now **** and needs about 100 coats to stop it being see through.

i used chassis black, sprayed on with proper spray gun and i cant fault it :good:

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not done much all week, set to on the rocker cover but as my wire wheel had all but gone i decided to use one of them flaper wheel things, bad move really, a bit to abrasive but by the time i realised it was to late as id practically re shaped it :lol: so i had no choice but to buy some silver paint, prime it and paint it :unhappy:





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i had an little go at it ages ago and it came up fine with the wire wheel, but over time it soon got messy, if id of done it with the wire wheel it would of been fine, just seen one for sale new, £240 from john richards, or £15 second hand of ebay :hmm:

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get a 2nd hand one........and buy a cheap bench grinder....remove one of the wheels and put a spindle and buffing wheel....you can buy the kits and they are cheap...get a medium and fine polishing/grinding wax .and you will use it for loads of things............


tool marte do a basic kit ...........

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