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How Many People Really Goes Pigeon Shooting ?

marsh man

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most of my perms are 15 miles away about 3000 acres rareley see any body or hear anybody in winter but they come out of the wood work now for a few weeks. have to get on the rape stubble 8am to beat some bloke who gets the nod from the contracter its the only time he comes. 2 years ago me and my mate turned up 7.30 it was pouring rain sat for 3 hours watching then went for a cuppa, came back 1 hr later rain easing other bloke set up while we were gone rain stopped he shot over100

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I love pigeon shooting just lack the opportunity in most cases. I do a reasonable amount of crow shooting and a bit of fox and rabbit shooting. My main issue is the lack of numbers in the area and other commitments both shooting and non shooting. I tend to pick up permissions, look after them and hold on to them. This is a double edged sword as I have plenty of land to shoot on but then dont have the time to explore other opportunities ...not that I am complaining.


I managed a magnificent 3 the other day...all decoyed perfectly in the first couple of minutes and then that was the end of proceedings. No more birds to be seen....good fun being out though and not a total waste of time.

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For the limited amount of pigeon shooting I have done I have had to travel and pay.

Locally (Hemel Hempstead) I have posted on PW offering help and although have had many Views, had no Replies.

I live minutes away from cereal and rape fields with lots of pigeons. It has only been in the last few days that anyone has been out shooting. Not for long and not decoying.

I have spoken to people at clay shoots that have done the rounds asking for availability but with no joy.

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