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An afternoon with Agaman.


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When he called me to see if I wanted to have an afternoon out with him Agaman made it perfectly clear that there may be a problem. That problem was in the form of standing wheat on land that he cannot shoot over and which is right on the usual flight line to his farm. Undaunted I headed over the Humber bridge.


The first field we looked at had birds on it and others joining and it looked fine to me. We left that field to have a look at another a mile away and Agaman had a call during our journey from the farmer who asked why we had driven away from his field with pigeons all over it. I know why we looked elsewhere, Agaman knew too but the farmer hadn't a clue. It was the problem of the other field which had several hundred birds on it which we just could not shift.


This is one of Agaman's main farms and to satisfy the farmer we set up there more in hope than expectation on a field of partly cut wheat. Although we did see quite a lot of pigeons birds never really decoyed strongly but we had a few which came into the pattern and shot others just flighting around. Agaman has been over working of late and I have a severely infected tooth and gum so we reasoned that it was just good to be out. We certainly enjoyed each others company.


The bag was not very large but it was just enough to keep our average over 100 birds per session whilst we have shot together.

Edited by JDog
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Great to have you over today JDog, just the tonic i needed after a such a full on week!

Without the reconnaissance the bag wasn't huge, i put 27 birds in the freezer tonight.


We made best of though, and although we missed a few, some of the shots were very satisfying.

The carrions were both good shots and that last pigeon you shot was awesome!. I wil remember that for a while.


A good 3 hours or so all in all.

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