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Shotgun training


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Going to take my cocker shooting for first time next week, I've build up the starter pistol over months to the point I can fire it beside him and he's quite happy and looks for a thrown dummy.

I now need him to build up with the shotgun but have nowhere to go (shoot nearly an hour away and not possible working farm)

I've walked him near a shoot where I live and he's sat with me at a distance and watched the goings on.

How do you folks manage to do this training?

In an ideal world (as in the training books) I would of build this up in stages,but have nowhere to go,it's hard enough not getting into bother wuth the starter pistol!

I've had him in a rabbit pen etc and really pleased with him,just need this training done,I think I'll just have to play it by ear next week and concentrate on him,it's only a small informal rough shoot so he won't see a great deal.


Cheers Martin.

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Reading your post I can only see one option,personally I would want to be sure he is ok and wouldnt want to **** it up after all that training....travel the hour to the shoot.


Make a day of it and have a beer and a steak on the way home (that is optional and something I would do).

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Could you nip to cocketts farm maybe?

Funny you should say that I was planning of going there in the morning to try my gun for the first time.

I've been walking him near Cockett Farm, I wanted him to associate the bangs with something nice (eg a dummy retrieve)rather than random bangs.


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If you get stuck you ate welcome to come to swadlincote and do a bit of training with me. I'd be happy to help out. Just pm if you want to arrange something.

Also stay away from clay pigeon shoots or even any shoots at this stage.

Thanks that's very kind of you.


I'll only be shooting a but 5 times this year so not too many opportunities?

We only shoot about a dozen on average,he would be with me the whole time so as I can watch him.


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