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National Wildlife Management Centre


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National Wildlife Management Centre

A review of the woodpigeon costs to Brassicas,

salad crops and oilseed rape and the

effectiveness of management activities. Oct 2013.


its a bit long but makes an interesting read! http://www.hdc.org.uk/sites/default/files/research_papers/FV%20426_Report_Final_2014.pdf

Who paid for thid load of waffle???

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There are two very thought-provoking paragraphs:


It has been estimated that over 200,000 people shoot woodpigeons annually in the UK, with a million plus birds removed each year. Despite this intensity of shooting, however, it has not been effective in reducing, or indeed halting population growth, or the scale of the conflict. The challenge here is to develop a more targeted and effective shooting strategy and that is clearly focussed on crop protection rather than sporting interests.



Kind of nailed it really, how many pigeon shooters who are not farmers ACTUALLY give two hoots about the crops and therefore farmer's income? It's all about the "sport" the way people talk about their shooting exploits.


In respect to reducing the numbers of pigeons locally, shooting has the potential to have a greater effect on local woodpigeon numbers if activities are concentrated during the spring and summer than during the autumn and winter. During the former period, shooting will remove both adults and juveniles and also disrupt breeding attempts, productivity and recruitment. Also, birds removed locally are less likely to be replaced through immigration as woodpigeon movements are smaller at this time of year. In contrast, shooting during the later period will focus on individuals only, fail to disrupt ongoing breeding attempts and may fail to target dispersing juveniles. Indications are, however that the majority

of shooting is carried out during the winter months



Possible food for thought for those who refuse to shoot over standing crops in the summer for moral reasons?

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