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Trapping Grey Squirrels


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Just looking for a bit of advice on trapping Grey Squirrels.


Does the location of traps make much difference? The traps are baited cage traps. Baiting mainly with maize and occasoinally peanuts


I fortunately come from an area that still has a lot of red's and trying to keep it that way, so not that familar with grey's and there habits etc. Trying to run them for as little time as possible as catching a lot of reds and do not want to stress them unduly by trapping them esp with this colder weather..

Not high numbers of greys but a lot of reds about so really want to target greys as much as possible and catch them quickly to leave the reds in peace


Caught a few relatively quickly even without pre baiting the traps, but my neighbour had a go before me and really struggled to catch his fisrt 2 despite them being seen every day at a feeder. I still think there is another 1 or 2 in area and 1 was seen yest. I had some traps out pre baiting but not set. Food has been disapeearing pretty quickly from the traps.


Set some of them this lunchtime and had a quick check at dusk had 3 Jays and 2 reds out of 6 traps, thought i caught a glimpse of a grey near a trap but both were already ocuppied.


Do traps catch better on larger trees? Ie if any area of medium sized trees would the largest tree attract them, or a windblown tree?

Or does the bait attract them and siting makes little difference


Do trees on fence lines catch more than further into the wood? At one area a few 00m's of hard wood strips about 40-50m wide, would 2 traps either side be better than 1 more central in the wood. Bearing in mind got limited traps


Is there any way to discourage birds from entering the traps? Since i've had them pre baited the food has been disappearing quickly but seemingly by jays. Would a flap on the front discourage Jays?


Cheers for any advice



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I work areas where there are Reds as well as greys. If at all possible can you shoot safely in the area, either air rifle or rimfire. I find using squirrel feeders to bring them into a safe area is the easiest and least time consuming. That way you can be very selective, without any distress to the Reds.

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Shaun, who is RS Jerry?


Cheers fisher, sadly i'm to busy at work atthe moment to sit and watch the feeders, thought the trappping would be most effective use of time. Must admit i'm struggling to even find the time to check the traps twice a day, another few days and i'll have to lift them anyway for a few weeks.

From wot i can make out from 2 nieghbours about 500m apar the greys seem to come for a few days then dsappear, guessing they move between the 2 groups of houses? but may be wrong.


I know a few folk folk on the local squirrel group but i doubt most of them could catch a cold, on other wildlife trust comittee's with some of them. I know 1 off them actually doesnae believe in killing greys :whistling: mental really

I have borrowed some traps of them but didnae think the advice on setting them was that great, hence asking on here, thought there might be a few on here killing far more squirels and have a better idea of any tricks for siteing the traps.


There is a big difference in size between the 2, althou I don't know of any trap that can differentiate between the 2.

i think there was research done years ago into adapting feeders to have 2 containers 1 posion 1 normal feed and only feeds the posion to the greys. But as ever u will always get small greys/large reds etc Not sure if they actually went into production.

And in my case to much chance of killing a red for the small number of greys there


Had a couple of red's today but mainly bloody Jays in the traps today.


As an aside is it legal to kill a Jay caught in a trap? At moment been letting them go but eating all the bait and springing traps.

I know it is legal to kill them under the general licence but i also know ur meant to use certain methods to kill them doubt a squirrel trap would be approved

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