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import shotgun from france


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Well if relying on your FEO for guidance then all mine said was.

"Gun in boot, drive to ferry, get off ferry in Dover and see Customs agent/ Plod who will enter it on you UK SGC"

Unfort it's officially not that simple but have indeed had people tell me they have done the above and others who have applied in France for personal export too ( not too difficult but the firearm has to be registered there first).

Number one difficulty would be of course as a casual visitor in the original purchase as the shop isn't exactly going to accept your UK SGC


Where abouts 'down south' is he as it just so happens that we are 'down south' and as a good 'PW' person if it was proven to be that my opening statement from FEO then I would consider the purchase as I'm driving back up in April if you could wait that long.

But if I'm honest, it's gonna have to be some special gun not available in the UK as prices here aren't exactly a bargain.

Plus, make sure the length of barrel as here we can buy some with 18.5" :-)

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