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looking for pigeonshooting


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I'm french and I would like hunting pigeon in UK;

I think you can give me some information about this subject !


I don't want pass by french professionnal of hunting travel but by local people. In French we call it "chez l'habitant" !

Can you help and explain me ?

What are the conditions ?

You can , I you want , hunting in france . (possibilities of change)



Thanks for all




Maxime gombart

25 rue du mail

80440 blangy tronville

tel : 06 88 46 17 05

mail : maxime.gombart@laposte.net

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I travel a lot in Northern France, this guy lives near Amiens in the Somme valley, I know it very well.

There are woodies there, but for some reason there's nowhere near the numbers we get here.


I can't work it out, as they grow plenty of rape, peas & cereals, so it certainly ain't lack of food.


I think they even have a close season.


Here is the French equivalent of Pigeonwatch:




It's a good site if you can "Parlez Francais"


Au Revoir,



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You'd be amazed to see it know, there's a far greater diversity of wildlife there than we get in most places in the UK, Hen Harriers are commonplace, for instance, plenty of Red Squirrels, Red Partridges by the thousand.




and some huge carp.

and some of them french female cops are stunners.

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You'd be amazed to see it know, there's a far greater diversity of wildlife there than we get in most places in the UK, Hen Harriers are commonplace, for instance, plenty of Red Squirrels, Red Partridges by the thousand.




and some huge carp.

and some of them french female cops are stunners.


Yes, but don't cross them, or you'll get a good sticking..!! :blush:


There's no Police Complaints Authority in France, everybody respects, (or fears) them, if you turn up at the Police station whingeing about Police brutality, you'll get another whack, unlike this country where you'll be taken seriously and all cops involved suspended on full pay for months on end.



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