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Anyone good with computers?


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My Confuser has been playing up lately. But weird things have started to happen in the past few days. Sometimes a window closes on its own, yesterday my desktop changed without me doing anything, and today I try to open a program and a box comes up saying "Sorry dude, cant open that window" <_<<_<


Help <_<<_<

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Do you want a professional's opinion?


I'd say, whilst dragging on a roly, "It's ******** mate" and then charge you 25 quid an hour to fix it.


seriously though, sounds like it's got problems with the operating system. When was the last time you took Windows off it and then re-installed?


It could be that it's got a wee bit confused and killed something important.



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Do you have any SpyWare detection programmes ?

Often the symptoms you describe, can be caused by a minor and partial hijack of your system.

Run a spy ware check.


Go to, http://www.webattack.com/freeware/freeware.html .

Under the heading "Security/Privacy", click on "Anti-Spy tools".

Scroll down until you find "SpyBot-S&D".

Download this programme, it is free.

Run it and it will show you all the items of spy ware on your computer.

You can then ask the programme to delete them.

I run a spy ware programme daily.

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