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Bloody Midges


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Read the thread! tsk! :good:





Reading the old threads it seems they changed it slightly (the look and the name) but the stuff is the same.


Search for "fresh" and it brings up "Skin-So-Soft Soft & Fresh Dry Oil Body Spray" which according to the threads and google, is the stuff to use.


Only £1.50 a bottle too.



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What sort of product is Skin So Soft?


On the avon website it lists loads of types mostly tan top up creams.


Is there anywhere else you can buy it?




Try here, that's where the sticker on the back of the one pictured below says err someone else purchased it for me... :good:




You will be wanting the spray bottle, the version of Skin So Soft is "Soft & Fresh" Replenishing Dry Oil Body Spray. The biting little scumbags HATE it B)


Hope that helps,



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Avon “Skin so soft†is only £1.50 a bottle but the postage is £3.50, so it would pay to buy two bottles and even it up a little. :good:




Where is that from then Graham?

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