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What are domed /pointed pellets used for ??


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Evo - no problems with shot placement Sir - the last 18 I have shot are all within 3-4 yards of my zero point at 20 yards, besides that is the truly horrid site of seeing 3 of them sitting upright in a conscious state but with a hole clear thru the head from one side to the other (had no problems with straight on shots) up to half an hour after being shot. I know what everybody is thinking and I don't blame them, a head shot like that is fatal and I would be the first to say so if someone else was writing this post, but it's happened 3 times now and I cannot continue shooting them until I have found out why (despite pressure from the Landowner). The Baracuda's have not suffered this problem so far, unlike the Exact heavies that produced the sound of the pellet hitting the steel backstop on several headshot Squirrels I'm beginning to wonder if it's simply over penetration. I'm wondering if I should take a picture of the poor creature if it happens again but I would not feel comfortable taking it while the animal is in such a condition and it would be upsetting to some people. I'm hoping the new pellets solve the problem and the next few weeks will tell.



I once took the top clean off of a rabbits head with a .22lr, it dropped on the spot but 10 mins later jumped up and started running 'round in circles rubbing it's head on the floor :crazy: I sat there shocked for a moment wondering how you kill something that survived that :ermm: but one to the boiler room did the job, thankfully. I used to go out of my way to head-shoot everything, that changed that day......

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only problem with wad cutters is they are a 5-10mtr paper punching pellet and over 10mtrs they are totally useless, I,ve not forum a rifle that will shoot them accurately over 25mtrs and that's stretching it a bit,


Bruno when head shot I,ve never had a squirrel flinch mate, are you sure the pellet is where it should be ? I use jsb heavies on the grey critters to devastating effects, superb pellet mate


atb Bob

Useless over 10mtrs ? Sorry Bob, I'd have to disagree with that. The late John Darling knew a bit about air rifle shooting I reckon, and he used rws wadcutters in his hw80 to good effect didn't he? They were his pellet of choice.

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