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pigeon call

taxidermy dave

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myself and a certain friend (not to mention names) were goin to use one on a day out, but erm.....when he got back from buying it, he found out (stupid idiot) he had picked up the wrong one......he picked up a duck call, so i cant help ya vere, cos i dont know what there like, but there not too expnesive, the one he got was bout £10 (i fink)

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If its a good call then it WILL work. One of my french clients uses his own home-made call and believe me it will turn a pigeon a million times better than any electronic gizmo.


Hunters have been using calls for hundreds and hundreds of years.

You can call foxes, geese, deer, virtually any animal, providing the right call is used at the right time. Like most things there is a technique to using calls however most calls are supplied with instructions that are a bit vague and this often leads to confusion and mis-use of the call with the end result being dissappointment because the call has failed to turn the caller into the Pied Piper of Hameln.

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Guest flightline

I`ve used one when the birds are starting to pair off and it does work-sometimes, like most calls. My brother is the one who gets the results as he calls better than I do.

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Pigeon calls are good in spring and summer when the birds are pairing up.

Use a lofter in a tree for the best effect, and call when a pigeon is close by.

In summer they are great fun to use because the birds are looking for a lone tree to come and roost in- you can be up till 2100hrs shootin um if its a nice warm day!


hope it helps,



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