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Conditioning deer at 12 degrees C to tenderise the meat


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Uk legislation says the carcass should be cooled to below 7 deg C and held there till disposal?


A good chest stick severing main arteries aids removal of blood more quickly to better preserve the meat?


The Best Practice Guides from the Deer Initiative tells all.

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I recently had a Sika left in a chiller for 8 days, i was told that it was set at 7 deg, I personally would have dropped it to 4, but not my chiller. When I went to pick it up, :-( well not looking too good, slimey, green with mold around the bruised area's.

After some heavy trimming I ended up with about 25% of the carcus. The fridge must have been switched off by mistake.

The saved meat consisted of the loins and haunches mines the exterior skin. Tender is not a word I would use to describe, more like eating melting chocolate in texture. Beautiful but allot wasted.

Not to be recommended though at all...

If you intend on hanging for more than a week try and get some decent air movement in your fridge and leave the temp less than 7 degree.

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It's basically all about controling the decomposition of the carcus. I've had a fore quarter of beef in a chiller for 6 weeks before now. Special customers request, very nice, and little waste compared to my Sika due to temp control and fans.

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