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Hi rib trap guns


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I'm thinking of buying the miroku TR-1 that's for sale on here, never had a trap or a hi rib gun before but for that price it might be worth a dabble. I mostly shoot sporting. With a bit of DTL. What are they like. How much higher will it shoot compared to a sporter. Looking at picture of them there not that high really. Will it be ok for sporting too. Thanks,


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If you mostly shoot Sporting then buy a regular low rib, they don't necessarily shoot any higher than a low rib. There are thousands of low rib Trap guns around too and some of them shoot higher than a high rib Trap gun because they were designed to do that from the ground up.


You won't know the POI characteristics of a gun till you shoot it but as I said there is no positive aspect to them relative to the ESP discipline.

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I have a FIAS Trap gun with a high rib that I have had the chokes opened to Skeet/Quarter for sporting clays - shoots just like any other Sporter just slightly more of a "head up" position - looks cool though which is its main advantage. Just noticed that the gun is a multi.....get it bought!!

Edited by bruno22rf
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I've used several high and semi high rib trap guns, as well as flat ribs, but don't be fooled by the height of the rib and the stock! The high rib and higher comb are mainly used so as to promote a more head up gun mount, thus allowing a more relaxed head position and better peripheral vision. These high ribs and stocks do not have to shoot any higher than any other setup, a 35mm drop is going to be the same no matter whether it's a low rib or a high rib. If you factor in adjustable POI on barrels, as well as adjustable rib and comb, well you can make it shoot as high or as flat as you like! But such things are best set up and left well alone!

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