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two phone calls


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just finished a weeks holiday pigeon shooting 10 days with weekends shot or recce on 7 days for a total of 50ish birds back to work this week got a call from a keeper friend yesterday afternoon i am cutting the maze covers at the moment seed everywhere do yo fancy coming over friday and saturday or mid week if you like, i gratefully accepted saturday and said i would try to get friday off too he said plenty of pigeons about and hundreds of crows that he wants to thin out, exactly an hour later another call from a farmer friend we are drilling beans at the moment if you would like give it a try. the two farms are only half a mile apart. i dont really know what to do friday beans if they have found them and saturday maize or take thursday and monday off too

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What a dilemma! I'd be taking a look at both, the maize in the first instance if there's already pigeons showing an interest.....the beans need a recce, I never just turn up expecting to shoot because beans or whatever are being drilled....doesn't mean there will be a bumper bag on the cards but there may well be! You'll be busy this weekend, fingers crossed.

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You dont sound well, sounds like you are going down with something. :lol:


Must be the plague! the only cure is total isolation, no visitors, no phone calls for two weeks. You should have cleared them #################### sorry, it should have cleared up by then.

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