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To report or not to report?

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I can agree with the first paragraph above but not the second. So long as I'm shooting within the law then I don't give any consideration for onlookers at all.


Exactly this, on private land with permission, in accordance with the law, I will shoot. If dog walkers etc don't like it, tough. Sadly groups like RSPB, lacs, bbc have taught people shooting is wrong and meat comes from waitrose, worse they have taught them what to say to police when reporting, no downside to them to being a pitc...

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If she was on a public footpath you need to be careful as she has rights too. If she is wandering about willy nilly she don't. But at a hundred yards she can't complain too much about noise frightening her.


Most place I shoot or walk with public footpaths put up warning signs that shooting may be in progress then they have been warned.

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Just had a look and the first part of the quote reads a preventative measure. It is used in medical terms. But originates from Greek.


Can't see the hilarious error.


Ahh see it now Greek for advance guard, preventive measure. Used in modern times as description for condoms.

Edited by figgy
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