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Just wondering how many people use rangefinders these days?


If so, which do you recommend?


If not, what other techniques/equipment do you use?


Use the search function and read the dozens of posts on this subject. The general concensus seems to be if it's not a Leica it's ****.

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I use combined Bushnell binoculars and rangefinder. For stalking it is the best combination I think. A separate rangefinder is useful if you want to build a "range map" of your shooting land but is less useful than the bins when actually out on the hunt. That's my feeling anyway

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Nikon Prostaff 440, very good in daytime out to 440. Have ranged super reflective things out to 500. Sight picture is a little on the dark side (small objective). Shouldn't matter for closer range bunnies. I bring it with me foxing but haven't had the oppertunity to put it to use yet. I would suggest zapping a nearby feature other than the intended quarry, such as a rock, as at night bugs and charlie may not be so easily seen. It's easy carried in the belt pouch, IS palm sized. I like mine. Best bit is that it cost all of 140 Euro posted from USA.

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Leica Geovid 8x42 brf in metre's 1200 & amazine opticaly & range finding even lamping etc.


Leica Geovid 8x42 brf in metre's 1200 & amazine opticaly & range finding even lamping etc.


CABELA'S had a sale with new leica monocular range finder 1200 $500 or so.

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What's this like at night lamping?




TBH, I don't lamp with it too often as I know most of the land I fox on "inside out".


The Leica would be better with its bright red (LED type) display. The Bushnell's is a black LCD so could be more difficult to pick up under the lamp. It's a 6x aswell so a little darker than say a 4x.


I got the Bushnell from the states for handy money. IIRC it was approx $200 delivered so a little over £100.


IMO it's as good as the Leica in many respects & better in some (smaller, i.e. palm-sized, waterproof etc.). A few friends also got the same model after using mine so can't be that bad.

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I like to use a Bushnell when using an air rifle or .22 rimfire.

The bullet arc is so curved I need to know if the shot is 45 meters or 50 with the airgun or 75 or 85 meters with the .22. I have written the differences in point of impact and aim on the side of the bushnell :good:

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