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Venus flytraps


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Does anyone keep them?


I had a beautiful specimen last year and let it go dormant over Winter like you're supposed to. It lives on a sunny windowsill, but this year the traps aren't very big and some are turning brown on the ends. A long stalk has grown out of the centre and is now about 9" high and has buds on it.


I've googled it and some people say once this flower grows, the plant has had it. Others say you can cut this off and plant it. Others say you can cut it off and the trap will start to grow, but it's looking pretty sorry for itself.


Any ideas?

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you are not supposed to let it flower so chop the stalk off, i assume you are watering it, i had one over wintered in the greenhouse but i neglected it and its dead now.


Yes I'm watering it. It hasn't flowered yet so I'm taking the scissors to it as we speak. :good:

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