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Dedicated fox shotgun


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Well i do have just such a gun, spending so much time like i do on predatormasters turned my head to this type of shotgun, i used my MP153 for this task, It is fitted with a Picatinny saddle type scope mount and a 552 type holographic weopons sight the cheap not so nasty eotech clones that as proved remakably durable in use.

for a choke i run a super steel extra full by colonial arms and use a 32 gram load of buffered AAA lead at 1370FPS .


Now all this said i am curently dissmantling this combination, The saddle mount is ok but it is intrusive if i use the gun for normal wing shooting you can use it with the holographic sight still fitted for shooting birds if you like, but i chose to use the gun with the sight removed for birds myself.

One other aspect of the mount itself is the bracket is pretty thick and i catch my finger on it vertualy everytime i pull the bolt handle back, its very anoying.

So i decided i wanted the MP153 back and the saddle mount is coming off before the wildfowling season.

Now i have another saddle mount for an 870 remington pump i would like to build one of these as a dedicated fox shotgun with the holographic sight, but finding a 3.5 inch 870 is not so easy at sensible money, i think i will end up buying a baikal 18 single shot and a cantlever pianinny rail for the scope. back up second shots are handy but i seldom need one i find. The decent trigger and long full choke on the baikal and super cheap purchase price is ideal for tying up a go to any time scopped up daytime fox calling gun.

Of course i could argue why bother just use any shotgun as it is. 99% of shooters over here will do this or use a rifle and why on earth not.

But i will say i enjoy daytime foxing with a shotgun its suprisingly productive and i have had a lot of enjoyment from it and having a gun like this MP153 as added to it i believe, i will bbuild another dedicated fox shotgun again im convinced its worthwile, and i have a scope etc already. .

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Fit a longer bolt handle?

Its not just that captain i dont esspecialy like shooting birds flying with the holographic , its doable but i like it removed, and the big old rail is there, again a minor destraction i guess, but i want it off the mp153 , and on a gun i can just reach in and grab out the cabinet and go, not faff screwing iion the scope ok its only seconds and its on the pianinny rail so its ON for set up, but its not like being on a gun like a Baikal single, with a nice trigger as they come, and smaller lighter more compact and cheap enough to loose in the cabonet without missing it for other tasks like the mp153 which i like to use on birds... a lot.

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Go and post a pic please? That predator masters forum is also a driving force for a specialist shotgun.http://www.claygame.co.uk/lead-shot-sizes-22 Baikal

Im on holiday at the moment for a fortnight but when i get home ill post a pic its just a black synthetic mp153 vwith a global enterprised saddle mount straight off american ebay and a knock off eotech sight for 30 35 quid again off ebay total outlay less than 60 quid for the scope layout.

PM is an awesome forum and look on the turkey forums too for set ups and gun choices. I think a model 18 baikal is ideal and cheap over here.

There is a cheap chinese knock off of an 870 Remington available in the states cant remember the name now, but they take all the 870 scope mount etc if you could find one of these you would be ok, forget a cheap 870 ive asked on here for a rough one they just dont exist . Revos look cheap not sure if the 870 mount could be adapted though, Good luck in your search and ill post up some pics when i get home.

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Back on the subject a bit, I do a fair bit of foxing with a shotgun.


A lightweight game model Bettinsoli Overland O/U 12 bore with 3" chambers.


Unless you're putting silly numbers of big shells through a gun, anything with a 3" chamber that fits you will do the job.

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Go and post a pic please? That predator masters forum is also a driving force for a specialist shotgun.

Lots of different saddle mounts for the common shotguns on usa EBAY, 1100s and 870s obviously popular but i got an MP153 mount from off usa EBAY easy enough.

Typical mount is like this one for an 1100 1187 by example. Item number

Scope i use is a eotech clone a 552 like this one on uk ebay.
here is a review n comparison its tough and reliable great for the money.
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I fancy one though!

Your only this way in life once lifes too short to just make do with what will do, heck a Smart car will drag my A>>> around but i dont want one.

Best thing about this little toy is everyone can aford one. Not expenssive to set up even if you go as far as i have the bassic OU game gun will cost twice as much as this set up, and use a Baikal single and your looking at under a hundred quid all in, wasnt there a free one in here the other day. ?


Shame we dont live in the states i could give up wildfowling for hunting predators all we got here is foxes like to get on yotes or better still wolf.

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Smashing, thanks. What kind of pattern are you getting with 32g of AAA? How many hits on a paper plate as the yanks say?

AAAs are like steel Ts but unlike steel you dont get many in a load im running 40 with buffer which weighs in at 32 gram.

Now the painfull bit, its complex why i chose AAAs over a smaller shot size, but AAAs were what i needed to be on with the central clump of the pattern at ranges cup to 70 yards or so,

At 40 yards i get around 20 to 22 pellets on average but by then nthe load as settled down, big pellets tend to fly tidier together and i only lose about another 4 or five out to 50 and even at 70 yards i still got 6 on thsat plate and with the sight i can move those 6 or 7 pellets around that to me is a pretty impressive bit of load development right there.

Its matching chokes a turkey choke is whats generaly used in multichokes but i found too many pellets lost between the muzle and 40 yards, the longer range patterns just never recovered from that and i found the tight extra full steel like an im or a light full gave enough constriction withh less loss initialy.

Remember big shot is not really what turkey hunting is about 6s to 4s are more often used.

Much smaller shot will kill foxes but at longer ranges nothing killed or could be relyed on to group if you like compared to AAA in lead.

Im not talking flukes here either trying to get the load to be on for up to 70 yards and more often than not drop em like a stone everytime, this if rifle teritory to get this from a shotgun took some doing.

If Anybody thinks 50% or a little more acctualy is nothing special at 40 yards try it and let us know how you got on.

To get anymore lethal than this load would mean a bigger heavier load or A much denser shot type.

I chose to draw the line at 32 gram and i think if i do say so myself i did good.

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Very interesting. I've always used BB when going after a fox. Started with Express 53g many years ago but they were very unpleasant to shoot. Use 36g BB now to good effect. Local gun shop has got 32g SG in stock so I will try them out although I don't expect great results. Will be pattern testing some 3.5 42g BB steel next week.

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Very interesting. I've always used BB when going after a fox. Started with Express 53g many years ago but they were very unpleasant to shoot. Use 36g BB now to good effect. Local gun shop has got 32g SG in stock so I will try them out although I don't expect great results. Will be pattern testing some 3.5 42g BB steel next week.

SG wont be funny to pattern, dont expect good results with it, BB will work but its if it will pattern and at ranges as far as 70 yards, BB can kill a fox at that range no problem, its the pressision the reliability at longer range that takes some calculation, 42 gram is a different animal to 32 gram, and like i said its how they go in your gun thats the important bit. If i could get Enough BBs on a fox at 70 to guarantee clean kills everytime i would be happy with it, placing the shot is what setting up a gun like this is all about, and its shot not a bullet, its far more complex to get the central part of a pattern reliable enough to work properly.

This load of mine at 1300fps is a 10 pellet load on the plate at 40. Boig shot at even 40 yards is a real eye opener if people have not tried it its interesting to do, kind of humbles you when you compare it to typical Bird shot patterning.

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Might have to get you to make me some up.

Cheap press is your most practical option, not sure on shipping or even if its realistic now a days. Reloading is easy get a cheap pressff somebody on here, Put an add in wanted an old pacific 155 or 105 will do or even a little lyman or a lee load all.

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With lead you cant realisticly expect anything over 60 70 yards, its probably capable of more but in a 12bore and sensible loads its all over by 70 if you want to stay humane, the yanks with dead coyote loads whichj i think are HW 13 or even heavier shot types can get to over a hundred, and i dare say you could duplicate this performance, but it depends how far you want to go.

Me i want clea kills everytime for day calling and if i can kill em at 50 or 60 yards maybe a tad further im ok with that. leave the 100 yard foxes with a shotgun to the vdi hards with heavier shot types. .

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