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Lancaster Bomber


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Manchester failed because of the engines. The designer of the Lanc. was Chadwick who, as far as I know, had nothing to do with the wimpey- that was Barnes Wallace's baby. When we look at the Lancaster's amazing results (and failures) it is worth mentioning that Mitchel, who designed the Spitfire, had designed an aircraft so similar to the Lancaster that it hurts, but with far greater performance, several years before the Lanc was born. It might also be worth remembering that many of the 56000 RAF who died were ,in modern terms, "murdered" by ridiculous ideas and expectations of a totally insane Command.

Edited by bruno22rf
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Remember a number of years back when I was gaining my PPL, we were out over Kent in a Cessna, when one of my instructor's pupils on his first solo cross country radioed in saying he was lost and getting panicky. Instructor left the plane to me and started talking to this other pupil. At same time a Vulcan was practising for a Queens flight over Kent as well, and obviously picked up on the radio traffic. I can still see this huge bomber gently circling us at a distance seeing if we were the lost light aircraft.


The Vulcan captain came on the radio saying. "Understand one of your pilots is lost. - what's he meant to be doing?" to which my instructor replied "yes, he's on his first solo cross country".


A pause for a few seconds followed by this wonderful RAF voice aying "he's not doing terribly well is he.."

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