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Which gun to take out on Sunday...


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I suppose this is a nice dilemma to have but now my cabinet is full I am suffering a bout of indecisiveness over which gun to take out for a bit of walked up rough shooting on Sunday. I haven't been out for about 2 months due to work and house commitments so very much looking forward to it, family is out all day so I dont have the usual curfew to return for Sunday lunch :) and may even slip a pint or two in with my shooting partner afterwards (happy days!!!)....


So I am torn between My Auto-5, Remington 1100 or Winchester Select Sporter...


Kind of erring on the side of the Winchester as I have a load of 28.5 gram Eley Impax in 6 & 7 which the autos are a little hit and miss cycling, but I love shooting the Browning..


The Remmy is a bit of a risk as apart from firing a few rounds through it I haven't taken it out for a days shooting since I got it. I am planning to strip it down and replace the action spring and seals etc I would be well and truly hacked off if it is unreliable. It is however a lovely handling gun....


I can feel a period of reflection this evening over a glass of red whilst I ponder my decision!



Edited by Wingman
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Good to have a choice ,off roosting Saturday with a similar dilemma ,Winchester sx3,Kestral sbs ,Berretta o/u or the 16g single.Im leaning towards the sx3 nice piece of kit and feels just right.My only problem is the glass of red ,dont think theyd like me drinking it at work :lol:

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I suppose this is a nice dilemma to have but now my cabinet is full I am suffering a bout of indecisiveness over which gun to take out for a bit of walked up rough shooting on Sunday. I haven't been out for about 2 months due to work and house commitments so very much looking forward to it, family is out all day so I dont have the usual curfew to return for Sunday lunch :) and may even slip a pint or two in with my shooting partner afterwards (happy days!!!)....


So I am torn between My Auto-5, Remington 1100 or Winchester Select Sporter...


Kind of erring on the side of the Winchester as I have a load of 28.5 gram Eley Impax in 6 & 7 which the autos are a little hit and miss cycling, but I love shooting the Browning..


The Remmy is a bit of a risk as apart from firing a few rounds through it I haven't taken it out for a days shooting since I got it. I am planning to strip it down and replace the action spring and seals etc I would be well and truly hacked off if it is unreliable. It is however a lovely handling gun....


I can feel a period of reflection this evening over a glass of red whilst I ponder my decision!



Take the 1100 you know all the rest leave you with that hint of doubt, the 1100.......Well you know what im talking about, it just does it. .... Everytime!.

Edited by TONY R
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