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Deer/ Boar calibre

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I have just gotten my variation on a cf and asked for a 6.5x55 of was told that unless I could prove I have experience of shooting deer I would not be allowed such a large cf to start. Maybe between now and then it maybe worth your while booking some stalking and getting them to document your outings to add credence to your application

Edited by gpreen
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.30-06 is probably the most versatile calibre you will ever get.

From 110g -220g bullets and can be used for anything.

same as .308 then, the .308 is really only a shortened .30-06 when powders improved and they didn't need such a big case capacity.





Sorry to put a damper on the XBolt. Browning have hit us with a 30% increase in prices. So unless you're very lucky it will cost a lot more. Been told it's down to brexit but smells of profiteering to me. BTW .308 will do the job.

We haven't left the EU yet! any excuse

Edited by Vince Green
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I have just gotten my variation on a cf and asked for a 6.5x55 of was told that unless I could prove I have experience of shooting deer I would not be allowed such a large cf to start. Maybe between now and then it maybe worth your while booking some stalking and getting them to document your outings to add credence to your application


Challenge it. All you need is good reason. Are you a member of BASC? If so, phone them and ask their advice. It pays not to fall out with your licensing team but blanket (unlawful) refusals can be challenged. Provide the evidence to support that you are safe (ie ask the FEO to walk your ground with you and explain where you'd think it safe to take a shot, have a chat about terminal ballistics, demonstrate knowledge of boundaries, public access points and footpaths etc and safe backstops). It would help also to demonstrate safe gun handling by explaining how you would carry the rifle, muzzle awareness and discuss safe handling. Providing that you can demonstrate that you have the knowledge required and a safe attitude, there is no good reason for refusal. You could go the extra hog and volunteer for being mentored for a while if it makes them feel any better about it. Remember, it's up to you to provide the evidence to support your application, not for the licencing team to give you a list of requirements if you're not forwarding sufficient information, especially if this is your first CF application.


It's understandable that the authorities are worried about granting a licence for someone they see with little experience to wander the countryside with a powerful CF calibre, but providing you do your bit in evidencing your safety credentials, you should be fine. Many people get a large deer calibre on first application. There's nothing in law which states that you have to be an experienced stalker to be granted a deer calbre.

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