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Messrs Packham, Avery, Oddie and May should read this


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Yes, a very good read, well versed and laid out.

But and a very big BUT, will anyone take any notice of it and be prepared to stand up.

The writer is spot on with this and it is extreme logical sense that upland management will be an asset to all wildlife on the moor.

So, one or two Harriers on a moor won't make a great dint in grouse stocks,any size of moor can only support a mix of prey and predator

relative to its area.

Whatever we do, the brainless will keep chipping away at any country sport for whatever reason and more people who read letters as above may get the idea

that shooting, hunting and conservation do work together,

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There is absolutely no point in any of the men named in the title of your post reading the article. They are blinkered to the extreme.


The people who should be reading it are those who are interested in the uplands and the flora and fauna thereon but who are undecided about the benefits of upland management for shooting. Many of those people are of course RSPB members.

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I read Simon Lesters excellent input on the parliamentary website along with other submissions both for and against to the debate! If you remove the nutters, the antis, the ignorant and ill informed, the political activists and the anti establishment class haters, there is very little left and certainly nothing of real substance in the submissions calling for a ban on driven grouse shooting!


On the other hand submissions from supporters of driven grouse shooting have an argument that is not only authoritative but actually stacks up'


I look forward to the debate!

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