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Wanted: where can I find Accurate A1680 powder?

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Thanks guys. Apparently Lovex D063, while "similar" to A1680, isn't the same.


This, from another reloader:


"DO63 and AA1680 are not the same thing. As stated in their reloading manual.


D063 High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 1680 suitable for 7.62 x 39 cartridge. Also suitable for small capacity cartridges such as the T/CU series, the .222 Remington and the .223 Remington with lighter bullets.


You can also compare their loads too. AA1680 with a 123 grain bullet in the 7.62x39 M43 uses 28 grains maximum, DO63 only uses 25.0 grains for about the same velocity. Put 28 grains in and it's probably kaboom time!


Explosia did make a lot of powders for Accurate in the past, but that doesn't mean the two are the same. Hence the word 'similar'."


Western Powders are certainly keen to distance themselves from Explosia and their Lovex powders, but then they might have commercial reasons for that:



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There's a long story attached to this, I can't remember specifics but it was something along the lines that Lovex used to make powders for Western but then the relationship ended. However, unless Western went on to drastically alter the formula for AA1680 they were 'similar' enough to use AA1680 data (usual caveat applies, start 10% under minimum and work up etc.).

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Good grief, Wilson has a website! I used to be in Wilson's quite a lot a few years ago. He was a funny ole guy. He hated anything to do with the Internet. Even anything to do with computers made him come out in a rash. I asked him about a ballistic programme and he almost had to go and have a lay down.

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