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Scared of flags


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My three year old wire haired Vizsla is scared of beaters flags! I do a fair bit of everything with him, including beating. When he was a pup he was obviously very concerned by gunshots so I worked hard on that with a very gentle introduction, and now he is totally sound to the gun.


But he is scared of the beaters flag, will not heal if I have one and if I was to raise a flag to try and turn a bird he runs off. Had the trouble last year but he came round and was not bothered after a few days on the job training. This season he has regressed, I can get him to carry the flag etc, he is okay if the flag is rolled up, unroll it and certainly if I raise it to use it as intended he is off usually to walk at heal with the next beater, whoever that is.


Any pearls of wisdom?

Edited by scolopax
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Is it just the flag or does he not like a stick either?


Without you noticing, someone may have inadvertently caught him with the flag/stick at one point.


Not easy once they have an aversion to something and Vizslas are very sensitive dogs. Just lost my last one at 14yrs, he was the fifth I have had.


Suggest you might hang a flag at home somewhere where he can walk by and get used to it and take a flag or piece of material with you on any walks you go on. Lots of encouragement and praise. Hope you get him on side.

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Walker570 is spot on. Take a flag with you when you feed him and when you walk him. Initially have it furled, but after a couple of days gently unfurl it a bit at a time over a few days. But first make sure it is the flag and not the stick that he is shy of. If it is the stick then take one on every walk and initially keep it away from the dog then over a few days gradually become more active with it. When he sits gently rub the stick over him and have it with you when you feed him.


Shouldn't take long to sort.

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