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Hand and a half sword


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I've got a sword I'm looking to sell . Not claiming to be an expert here so no idea if it's a "Hand and a half" Sword .


What I can tell you is that it is NOT a display piece or wallhanger . Weighing in at 5KG (Yeah KGs!) It's a beast of a thing . Feels really well designed and built . And with the counter weight surprisingly easy to use , even to a layman like me .


The chap who designed and made it was heavily involved in a "Living history" reinactment group , and the sword has been used in those types of battles , so the edges are a little beaten up , but I personally feel it just adds to the overall look of the sword . Can also include a spiked ball mace if you friend in interested?


Asking just £150 , But would also consider a swop for something interesting .


Further info and photos on request .


All the best fellas .


Andy .

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