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Ebbw Vale Owl sanctuary

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I've just read that the above sanctuary was broken into recently, and two Eagles were shot dead. :no:




I have visited this brilliant place many times over the years and have also supplied them with rabbits. It sickens me to know that some lowlife scumbag/s decided to do such a despicable act. The sanctuary has been targeted many times before, with damage caused to the fencing etc. It has personally cost the owners a lot of money. There is no charge at all to visit there, and it relies on donations, and school exhibitions etc to keep it running.


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The total ####$$$:( , what that matter with some people .


After you recommended it Steve been many times myself such a shame

I only know Malcolm, and he must be devastated by this. He has given many years of his free time to look after these wonderful birds. He makes no money out of it at all.

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