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.222 advice


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Im toying with the idea of getting a .222 as a dedicated NV rifle , like the idea of the .222 over the .223 purely because weihrauch make a .222. I'm running a .22 hornet at the Moment to, so I'm guessing I could use some of the loading supplies I have too? would I be a good choice as long range rabbit tool aswell? also whats the noise levels like?


Any Pros and Cons would be great

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222 is accurate. If you shoot rabbits with it you will have a lump of ragged meat similar to road kill or no head at all. The carcass is suitable for Larsen traps and dog food. Unmodified the muzzle report is as loud as a 223. The crack from the supersonic bullet is the same as any other 22 centerfire irrigardless of moderator. It is a sweet accurate round that is very able to take fox out to a good 200 paces +.

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You won't be disappointed with the .222, I owned one for around 15 years, fox & roe were my quarry which it coped with without any issues.


I recently got a variation for a .223 when my licence was up for renewal. I thought long & hard about both calibres but in the end it was the choice of rifles and local supply of factory ammo (I don't re-load) that tipped the balance for me.


As previously mentioned, rabbits will be a mess and not much use for the table.


Both calibres are similar noise wise too.



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.222 is perfect choice you look to have picked rifle a weihrauch and coming from a Hornet you will no doubt have some H4198 left and some 40 grain bullets 4198 gives good accuracy in the .222 with 40 grain, Sierra Blitzkings are my favourate 40grain in .224 with nozlers a good fall back.

Look to progressing to H335 this will work will with your 40s and 50s and 55s, A 50 grain blitzking with rem 7.5 primer and 19 grain to 20.7 grain will run around 3500 to 3600 and be super accurate once you work into that load.

If i had one chance of a accurate load for any random .222 i was handed i would work with that load.

H335 and .222 work well .

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