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Whiskey Galore?


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Nope - smack, charlie, Bolivian marching powder & whatever your fix of choice happens to be re. illegal drugs


Unlike their policy on controlling the Weapons that are Air = arguably responsible for the death of maybe one or two people in the last decade, the Holyrood overlords are being brought to task for the new death toll of 867, from last year of course, through use of illegal drugs. Largely a result of misguided wooly headed thinking & policies not fit for purpose. There's a surprise...




The drug deaths per million in Scotland, of 160, makes it the European leader by an eight-fold amount compared to the EU average of 21 per million.


A figure that fishface can no doubt whisper around the corridors of power in Bruxelles while trying to gain a place for her independent scotland model: maybe as the new off-shore methadone clinic de jour for the washed up Eurotrash looking for a new fix.


Wonder what knickers in a twist the media & politicos would NOW be in if the 867 deaths in Scotland in one year was due to firearms use??

But don't forget, guns are bad, mmm-kay!

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Hot air and bluster over not very much.


The junkie game is fraught with danger, do junk and risk dying from a plethora of possible sticky ends, infections overdose et al. It's a message younger people seem to be getting, as the demographic info in the piece demonstrates.


Sure society has a responsibility to do something and the 2008 initiative was a good one, but 10 years later we don't have the money to throw at it thanks to being a trillion and three quarters in hawk, three point six trillion if we include domestic debt.


So, if it were a choice between OAP bus passes or new dedicated drug treatment centres dotted round the country, then it's a no brainer; bus passes win every time.


That said, until we completely decriminalise all drugs, drugs will continue to be a criminal enterprise controlled by criminals for the benefit of criminals paid for by the non criminal rest of society.


Other than airgun licensing, unquestioning support for the aquaculture industry and not having SNH on a tight enough leash, I don't have any real complaint with the Nats. They run to budget year on year, and that's good mmmc-kay.

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And there was me thinking this was a thread about one of my all time favorite films.


On the money.


That said, until we completely decriminalise all drugs, drugs will continue to be a criminal enterprise controlled by criminals for the benefit of criminals paid for by the non criminal rest of society.

Edited by Penelope
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drugs will continue to be a criminal enterprise controlled by criminals for the benefit of criminals paid for by the non criminal rest of society.



The authorities don't want to legalise drugs because it keeps a lot of criminals very quietly employed. Cut off their income stream and they are not going to give up crime. Its what they would do as an alternative that worries the powers that be.


Its like saying we have rats in the barn, we are not happy about it, but if we pull down the barn they will come and live in the house.

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