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Trail cams and the like


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Not sure if this is the right forum to ask but here goes, I'm looking for a cheapish trail cam, it appears I have a regular visitor to my flight pond, (2 legged human variety), I more or less know who it is but could do with some proof, anyone got any recommendations? Not wanting to spend a huge amount of money but don't want something that's useless, many thanks

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Hide it well above eye level and choose a 'black' one. In other words one which doesn't show ANY light whatsoever.


Watched a youtube vid the other night and the land owner had fixed a trip wire to an explosive paint container. The offender and his rifle got well covered in paint. In the US obviously .... now I'm not suggesting you do something like that of course ....


however, when watching I thought it could be spring operated, like one of those old launchers they used to breach castle walls but fill a bowl full of suitable fluid. Knowing my luck some innocent person would walk by first off.

Edited by Walker570
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There's a lot of paintball 'mines' and 'claymores' available. Just a quick look on google brought this one up on YouTube.

You could always use the camera to make sure its who you think it is then reload the bladder in this thing with something nice like fox pee instead of paint. It wouldn't give you a visual but that amount of concentrate fox **** isn't coming off in a rush 😂

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