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flock coated shells


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I am wanting some info on flock coated shells, i want to cut down on the amount of kit that i usuall take so i am wanting some shells instead of full bodied deeks. There seems to be quite a few companies that sell them with a variety of prices, any advice, good or bad will help.

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I only use shell decoys for the same reason as yourself. All of mine are now flock coated, it does make a difference.


If you click on the banner at the top of the homme page for decoying co uk, you will find flock coated shells at a price that seems reasonable to me. I bought mine at the game fairs, but if you want to get cracking on the spring drillings it will probably have to be mail order.



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I couldn't agree more with Webber.I have been using the same flocked decoys for a year and they work really well.They are easy to carry and can be used in rain or sun without a problem.It is really worth it to invest on them.

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this may be a silly question but with the flocked decoys are they still painted underneath the flocking for when it rubs off? I to are on the look for some more shells and was just wondering as my coys tend to get a bit knocked about. any dealers feel free to pm me with any deals you can offer.





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johnny, most are certainly grey underneath the flock coating, I don,t know if the white markings are there, because mine aren,t bald enough for me to see. :D


They do need more care than the standard decoys.

I damaged some of mine, by putting them in my large net/mesh decoy bag.

They got caught in the mesh and "chipped" the flock off the tips of the wings/tails etc.

I now use a large duffel type bag, which is more suitable.

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I have been using Deakos flock coated decoys for over 1 year so each decoy will have been used over 100 times and the flock and colour are still like new if I get any mud on them I just wash them off with warm soapy water.


On a sunny day they work just as well as dead birds.




Deako just sent me up a budget machine to test out and I must say it is the very best I have used it is lighter than the pinewood and the small battery lasts upto 3 days NICE ONE DEAKO




And remember I was the first person to make and use the Magnets in the UK so I know what I am talking about :D

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