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Coot and a Robin!


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Hi Dave nice images.

Can you share the settings please.

Did you manage to go to the Photography show at NEC.

I managed to pick up a new monitor Benq SW2700PT for photo editing. After a quick calibration with a Data Colour Spider Pro5 I was up and running.  If you or anyone reading this post is into photography then this monitor will change the way you work and view images especially if printing or working on graphics. I always used to make do with a standard monitor. You can have all the best glass and camera bodies in the world but the end product is viewed and printed from what you view on the monitor which is something I had never given much thought to. The images which I am currently producing from the Photo R3000 for comps and sales A3 Size are exactly what is on the monitor, previously I was having to print test pages to get it correct but now, no more waist paper and ink.  

Apologies for boring the none photographic enthusiasts.

GG :ninja:

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Hi GG, Thank you. 


I don't know if I am being a bit too critical, but I personally think the Robin looks a bit 'dirty', what do you think? 


Coot setting - Av mode, iso 1250, 1/1600, F6.3 (was shooting on live view for the angle and wobbling hence the high iso in that light lol) 


Robin - Av mode, iso 800, 1/640, F6.3


I have never heard of that monitor but it certainly sounds like a good bit of kit! 


Unfortuantely, I didn't make the show! 


Cheers for viewing, 



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Hi Dave

Not sure what metering you used but I would have spot metered both subjects. It appears the light was bright and harsh. So high possibility of blown highlights.

I would have under exposed in camera at time of shutter release, then lifted the main subjects out in PS.

Both birds hand held at 1250 should be sharp maybe take the iso to 1000 next time were these with your 7d ii. Did the lens you used have IS activated.

Never used live view not even for landscapes.

Dave i have given both images a very quick tweak if your not happy ref edits let me know and will remove no issues.

Curves and masks and sharpened. re sized.


robin edit


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1 hour ago, GREENGRASS said:

Hi Dave

Not sure what metering you used but I would have spot metered both subjects. It appears the light was bright and harsh. So high possibility of blown highlights.

I would have under exposed in camera at time of shutter release, then lifted the main subjects out in PS.

Both birds hand held at 1250 should be sharp maybe take the iso to 1000 next time were these with your 7d ii. Did the lens you used have IS activated.

Never used live view not even for landscapes.

Dave i have given both images a very quick tweak if your not happy ref edits let me know and will remove no issues.

Curves and masks and sharpened. re sized.


robin edit


The light was harsh, yes. It was midday. I always use evaluative metering, don't normally use spot metering as it's only the centre point that can be used, and I have my AE LOCK button set to an AI servo setup. 


These were taken on my 7dii and my sigma 150-600mm Contemporary lens with IS activated. Hand held. 


No dramas with the edit it is good to see how someone like yourself would edit my photo! I like the Coot. However, the Robin is too dark and contrasty for my liking really. 


Cheers very much, 



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Cheers Dave

How you getting on with the contemporary lens?? do you rate it for wildlife.

The centre point will just meter of the small area of the subject and darken the BG.

Try when your next out if a bird is flying over you spot meter and over expose by about 2 stops.

The contrast was down to me rushing also my gear is all set up for RGB editing. Were really web images are viewed in SRGB. Currently working on commissioned images to print and have a 4day turnaround. I've had to book the day off as A/L still its £240.00 in the hand. Well the wifes and Daughters to be exact LoL.

I could only afford you about 5 min,s buddy.

I will have to come and catch up with you one of the days.

GG :ninja:

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1 hour ago, Fisheruk said:

Great pics Dave, was that at Mere Sands?

Cheers Fisher, this was at Brickcroft in Longton! No where near as good a nature reserve as MSW.... need to get a trip to MS soon mate

1 hour ago, GREENGRASS said:

Cheers Dave

How you getting on with the contemporary lens?? do you rate it for wildlife.

The centre point will just meter of the small area of the subject and darken the BG.

Try when your next out if a bird is flying over you spot meter and over expose by about 2 stops.

The contrast was down to me rushing also my gear is all set up for RGB editing. Were really web images are viewed in SRGB. Currently working on commissioned images to print and have a 4day turnaround. I've had to book the day off as A/L still its £240.00 in the hand. Well the wifes and Daughters to be exact LoL.

I could only afford you about 5 min,s buddy.

I will have to come and catch up with you one of the days.

GG :ninja:

The Contemprary lens is my first dedicated wildlife lens...so in terms of experience wirh other lenses to compare it too...I can't! However, it has improved my wildlife photogrpahy second to none and I wouldn't be without it! I would love an F4 lens but there is no way I can afford that currently, so it'll have to do. However, in good light its very sharp (I think and produces images with a lot of clarity). 


I will certainly try the spot meter a bit more. :)


No worries at all, I massively appriciate all the help! In all honesty eveything is self taught and you're the only person I get genuine advice off; thank you! 


That'd be good :good:



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17 minutes ago, WinchesterDave said:

Cheers Fisher, this was at Brickcroft in Longton! No where near as good a nature reserve as MSW.... need to get a trip to MS soon mate

Had a walk around there a few weeks back, nice little spot and very easy to walk around if you have young ones or old ones, only spotted two squirrels while there?

This is why I won't buy a camera, i thought your pictures were great, but i imagine you end up with more kit trying to get the perfect pics than you do shooting, possibly.

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16 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Had a walk around there a few weeks back, nice little spot and very easy to walk around if you have young ones or old ones, only spotted two squirrels while there?

This is why I won't buy a camera, i thought your pictures were great, but i imagine you end up with more kit trying to get the perfect pics than you do shooting, possibly.

Certainly is good for that - it was a nice little walk around nonetheless. 


Well I literally just take with my my camera and long lens and that is just over my shoulder, so I don't consider it a burden to carry in all honesty. 


However, when on holiday or going out for multiple subjects, I can end up with multiple lenses etc! But it's a hobby I love so I don't consider kit Vs shooting...I utilise what kit I have and use it as and when I see a shot I like. If that makes sense. 


Dave :good:

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I started with a Canon 400D and a 70 x 300 mm mark 1 lens no IS. That was given to me by a good mate.

Still got the 400D in the loft somewhere. In an improvised fishing bag my brother gave me.

Never had a spotting scope no idea why someone would be walking round with one of those as well as a camera and long lens. Maybe binoculars.

GG :good:

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7 hours ago, Mice! said:

I have taken some nice pics with different phones, normally involving the kids on a beach or in a field, but never managed to get a good wildlife shot.

:good:smartphone cameras have come on a long way! Saw the other day you can now get filters lenses you can attach. They won't beat the bigger cameras for image quality, but everyone nowadays has a solid camera on them to get a good pic. 



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