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RNT Goozilla Call


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Anyone else own this call? Owned mine for years and it is a fantastic call. 

The issue I have is that the rubber o rings have perished and need replacing. 

Could whoever owns the same call measure the o rings please.

I bought replacements but they are too wide....


many thanks




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Oh dear.... think I’ve owned this 10 years now. 

Bought many others in that time from very expensive acrylic calls made by Tim Grounds to cheap old wooden ones..

Always go back to this one. 

Probably end up buying a multi set of o rings off eBay - hopefully one will fit!

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Welsh Andy I have checked and the o rings are

1.5mm x 11.8mm id or imperial 1/2”id equivalent the slot they go into is 19mm or 3/4” diameter if using old money.  Don’t worry too much on the inside diameter as they’re getting stretched any close to the size will do fine, a 14 or 15 mm x 1mm thick would also do as it won’t have to  stretch as much. Just wet the clear part inside before shoving back together or it’s a pig to as I found out. 

I have metric and imperial I ring sets and checked the size against them but mine are too thick or I would have sent you some.

you should find some local easy enough or a kind member in here may have a couple spare. 

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