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Are estates/land divided into security zones?

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I'm new to all this so sorry if this is a daft question, also been out the country for some time and just want to check how things are done here.  Within the boundaries of an estate or farmland is the area then also sub-divided into security zones for hunting purposes?  Thanks for any help you can give on this...

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Honestly sorry if it sounds fishy.  It's a genuine question and I've never had any experience of shooting in the UK.  I got into this line of work in Hungary and have no experience of it here.  There estates and land are divided into security zones for people's safety as I believe is also the case in Germany and Austria.  But I'm meeting a gamekeeper on Thursday and will just ask him.

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No they aren't, farms and estates in the UK are owned by one person, and generally shot by one party of guns at a time who are all in one self contained party, so there won't be several individuals all wandering about doing their own thing, as you might get in public hunting areas in Europe or the USA.

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I think i get wot ur asking.

Even on 1 estate/land owner it could be sub let to a few different shoots or syndicates over the whole estate, but each sub let piece will be essentially seperate from the neighbouring beat/shoot. So really ran independantly of the land owner or other pieces of ground.

Basically u usually only have 1 person on 1 piece of ground with the game rights if sub let that would also mean theat the land owner can't shoot game on that piece of ground either as he has let that right out (althou in some/many instances deer rights are comletely different too, so different folk shoot the pheasants to the deer)

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I think / guess that in the OP previous experience on the continent the estates would be subdivided into safe and unsafe areas for hunting purposes, becuas ethey would be using centerfire rifles in possibly a driven scenario? So large areas would be closed off to any non hunters for safety reasons ?


That does not happen in the UK.

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