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Night vision


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Think you`ll be needing to spend some serious readies for worthwhile nv on cf.

Ive got a gen 1 unit on my remmy 597 which is great out to about 50yds. I even shot my first close range fox with it the other night, together with 42 rabbits :good:

Bods with nv on cf have normally got the gen 2 stuff which is a couple of k`s worth.

The biggest problem with the cheaper gen 1 is illumination. I`ve got an additional illuminator but the best ones are the laser illuminators which are about 250 quid which are supposed to be superb. My mates just bought one of the add on gen 1 units with a laser, but we havent been out with it yet cos of the **** weather. If it works out well and gives decent range i`ll post up the results.

Cheers Andy.

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Just depends on what you want from it.


You can buy an NV for £100, shove it on a .223 then take bunnies @ 50 yds if you wanted, obviously that probably isn't what you mean.


What kind of range are you wanting from it and to shoot what?

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i had the atn 6600 gen 2 on a .243 it was ok it depends on the infra red you use to back it up but i looked at loads before i chose and ther are even more on the market now mtself iwould be looking at the add on versions that clamp on the back of your conventional scope but its a matter of prefernce


hope this helped a little :good:

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http://www.starlightnv.co.uk/ this is the firm i bought mine off..very helpful.It,s the Archer add on with the £250 infra red laser(this is what really makes it so good)..cost £1400 and is Gen 3 tube,excellent clarity.


As has been said,it all depends on what you want to do with it,and how much your willing to pay,because you only get what you pay for....for a centrefire you must be sure it,s compatable i.e. it can take the recoil.


Shooting with NV can be very frustrating just as lamping can.So be aware that no matter how good your set up is,you won,t shoot every fox you see....but you will get lots.


The obvious advantage is that with this set up,your not swinging a rifle about as you look for charlie.

this is it on my .22 250


Best of luck as i know it,s a minefield out there,and a big investement.



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