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Christmas Number 1


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In case you've haven't heard the hype, the Fire Tones are attempting to be this years Christmas Number 1 with a re-recording of "do they know its Christmas", all profits will go to charity, both the Fire-Fighter Charity and Band Aid Trust.

The Fire Tones are a group of Fire-Fighters from all over the UK, both On -Call, Whole Time and control room staff, who have come together to record and release this record. It was put together and organised by one of my colleagues from Welshpool fire station, a station a few miles up the road from mine. 

Please support and help raise some money for two great charities and lets see if we can keep X-Factor from being the Christmas Number 1 this year.... Think the FireTones have done an excellent job, sounds better then the original, I hope they do it....

Available to download from Amazon and iTunes, CD's available from Amazon and HMV.

Twitter - @thefiretones999

View the video - 





Edited by KPV4
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