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I can squeeze one more in the cab .I like the feel of the sbs.Particularly the AYA no4.And the traditional nature of em.Light too,for roughshooting.I seem to get reasonable success with other styles ie.0/U ,sb moderated so could a relative novice get used to one quickly?Why are they not more popular?Thankyou.

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i have a, aya s/s and shoot the same with a o/u.aim and bang its the man behind the gun.


Must not be the same for everyone as my scores probably drop by 30%!! Actually no, that can't be right at all as all guns shoot different because they all have different geometries...otherwise you wouldn't bother getting a gun that fits would you?!? :good:

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Vole - I thought much the same as you some 15 years ago, bought my first s/s, a sweet Parker Hale 20g. Used it so much so decided to sell my Beretta 686 o/u for a 12g AYA Churchill XXV.


No regrets about switching to s/s.


Pigeon or pheasant at 40 yards is very satisfying. (no my name is not Aled)


AYA is a good choice.



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That Churchill sounds a classy gun,Fox.I almost went s/s as my 1st gun as the rfd recommended them for what I did.May pick up a cheapy to see what I think.Thanks fellers.Am working till 0800 now so plenty time to ponder.

PS is Gunmark an English maker?there is a kestrel for sale locally.looks nice.

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No Gunmark isnt English - sorry !


Re AYA - choose an older one rather than a newer one. The guns made in the 1980's will be far better than the recent offerings and because of afge often cheaper so you can ewin both ways round.


The only thing better for the price is the SKB if you can find one. Investment cast actions they were the best made cheap end (less than a £1000) foreign gun I have seen. The parts were good steel, well finished, fitted extremely accurately and last very very well.


There were never many around and I had one when the Falklands war started so as you can see they will be pretty thin on the ground today but still worth the effort of finding one.

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Interesting stuff thanks.I maybe should have gone for a sbs before semi auto.i am trying my best to like using one.Can see the merits but for that 3rd shot there is (for me anyhoo) a price to pay,without whingeing too much about why.Would the sbs AYA yeoman be similar to my o/u yeoman?

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