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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; the only way our representative organisations are going to sit up and take notice, is if we all en masse,  contact our relevant bodies and tell them that unless they take positive action we will cancel our subscriptions. Any takers? 

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BASC has 150,000 members, in the recent council elections the national seat on council was won with 800 votes!.....most members can't even be bothered to put a ******* tick in a box.......the likelihood of a mass campaign to force BASC into spending money on expensive legal action and/or speculative campaigns is pie in the sky.....

If you don't back your representative body, you'll get nothing from them!.........We get what we deserve!

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3 hours ago, panoma1 said:

BASC has 150,000 members, in the recent council elections the national seat on council was won with 800 votes!.....most members can't even be bothered to put a ******* tick in a box.......the likelihood of a mass campaign to force BASC into spending money on expensive legal action and/or speculative campaigns is pie in the sky.....

If you don't back your representative body, you'll get nothing from them!.........We get what we deserve!

Ah well....then I suppose there’s no point in complaining. How long has this particular farce been going on now? Hey ho.

I backed my representative body for donkies years, thinking I was playing my part and doing my bit. Sadly, they weren’t doing theirs, and I didn’t get what I thought I deserved. So I left. We have choices.

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9 hours ago, JJsDad said:



As a result of a PM from a helpful member of Pigeon Watch, I spoke by phone yesterday to a Kent RFD who does not want his details revealing on an open forum; but like many other licence holders is getting a bit sick of Chief Constables making their own laws up as they go along. In some cases this action may well have a hidden agenda in the form of reducing the number of licence holders in a county area.

Having complained to The Gun Trade Organisation, BASC etc, he is totally frustrated by the seeming lack of will and progress in getting the various stake-holders around a table to sort out what is slowly becoming a total mess and is causing serious concerns to some licence holders who`s GPs refuse outright to comply with Police requests for supporting letters.

In an attempt to bring matters to a head in Kent, he has raised a formal complaint against the Chief Constable for breeching Home Office guidelines. If this complaint is cleared by the Crime Commisioner for further investigation it apparently requires an officer of equal or senior rank to investigate the complaint. While this is in its early stages; he has received an acknowledgement and is awaiting notification of the next steps.

I wish him well with this positive action and hope the complaint results in an investigation into the Chief Constables self-appointed policy. The Police are there to enforce existing legislation, it is not their right or role to make the rules up to suit their own agenda`s.

I intend speaking again with this chap in a few weeks time to see how his complaint is progressing.


Superb, good luck!

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