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SAVAGE 93R17BTVS vs CZ 452/453


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Hoping to buy one of these two in the very near future in .17 HMR. the savage will be standard and the CZ in a 20" heavy barrell, for bunny bashing and foxing, any body got a savage that could post some photo,s and reveiws please, i hear a lot of good reviews for the cz but don,t know which way to go !!! I know one costs half the price of the other but money isnt a problem

SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE !!!!! <_<:lol:;)


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I have the CZ 16" varmint and bought a brookes trigger kit for it and now it's fine, but the HMR does have limits, especially in the wind. All the same a good rifle for not a lot of money <_<


I've not used mine on a fox as I have a centrefire for foxes, but some people on here are doing the business with them.

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I have the savage stainless synthetic standard weight without the accu trigger. It is a nice little walking gun for <150 yd. Mine is topped with a 5-15 bushness 3200 elite and it shoots tacks (flies actually). For me, it will shoot any of the ammo that was available in the states, but it liked the 20 gr CCI gamepoints and the 17 gr Remingtons. For game shooting at 150 yd though, all would pass the 'its dead' test.


If you get the savage, get the accu trigger model (all of the new ones from 2006 on). I love my gun, but I wish I would improve the trigger. That is the only holdup I see to it shooting <.5" groups all the time at 100 yd.




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IMHO out of those two the Savage would definately get my vote. But for the money (which you say isn't an issue) do yourself the favour of your shooting career and get....yes folks you've guessed it( :yes: )...an Anschutz!! :(

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