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Night Time Fun with the Lamp


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Last night I was out with our keeper doing a little lamping, see pictures for story and results, but we also had a real laugh at one point.


We were heading along one of the farm roads, private right of way, that comes of a country lane. No head lights on in the landie.


As we went around a bend there was a small light about 30 yards ahead in a gateway, the keeper flicked on the roof mounted lamp and there was a Vauxhall Corsa parked up with a bloke in the seat and then another head popped, that of a rather pretty red head.


We slowly drove by with the lamp on them waving as we passed and drove into the next field, laughing like mad all the way!


Amazing wildlife out in the countryside…..



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Quality :good:


'friggin in the rigging' is what the farmer used to call it.


We stayed at a B&B in Devon years ago on a fishing trip, and couple had a nice looking daughter.

We got back from the pub late one night and pulled up outside the house, behind her boyfriends van.

As our car headlights flicked round we saw his face and then hers pop up from, well, 'down there' as it were :P


So we made sure we came down for breakfast at the same time as her the next morning.

It was amusing for us, but a bit uncomfortable for her, poor girl :)

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Used to get this all the time while corn carting in the summer, used to be comical bunging on the front working lights to totally illuminate the car as inevitably they would be parked in a gateway you wanted to use :)

have a mate who was moving his combine and there was a couple and lets say they were partaking in a similar act to Stuarts all she did was looked up and smiled and then went back to work while he drove past. :P

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Long story short I was out about 2 months ago about 6pm, broad daylight really, just drove into the field and closed the gate. Rifle out etc, and made way round the headland to a bury. Not 2 minutes later, through the gate I just used, comes a silver car. I stop to watch through the bins, totally oblivious to me being there I assumed it was someone allowed to be there and kept on my way. Got a call not 5 mins later and had to go back home in a hurry, car again spied in the bins rocking and rolling just parked inside the field.


Brazen as you like the lass got out the car, half dressed as I approached, opened the gate, and off they went.

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last winter wen we do be out lampin we do see the odd car up the lane rockin and rollin i presume as its a awfully backward lane but we left them to it as we just saw the cars drivin off as we didnt want to meet the police as a neighbour had threatened to report us for lampin!!!!! :)

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I remember when i was a young lad about 13 or so, me and a couple of mates were out with the ferrets and a couple of 410 bolt ation shotties, we had been rabbiting around the estate that my father was the game keeper on. when we were walking back home we came over a smaill hill down to the road and right in the gateway a car was parked, with a nice looking redhead and her fella out in the field completly naked and bumping uglys - the look on thier faces of utter shame when they realized three 13 year old boys had been watching what they were doing for this last 10 mins was priceless - i still go rabbiting on the estate today, but have never seen them since :):P:good:

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It was similar to something I witnessed a fair while ago.


Many evenings in the year when I was 16/17 years old I used to walk the farm with the neighbouring farmers son, Richard. We both had 16 bore shoot guns and we would walk the hedgerows at dusk to try and pick of rabbits and pigeons. The bags were rarely large, 4 or 5 rabbits at the most. But it was always great to be out and about with a friend.


At the top of our farm there is a spruce plantation that surrounds an 18 acre field on 3 sides. This is always a hot spot for rabbits and especially pigeons just after dark as they roost in the ivy growing on the trees. On the other side of the plantation there is a lane that runs from the village and meets another lane that cuts from Powderham towards Kennford. We have a small dirt track from the lane through the wood to the field for access, about 100 meters long. This lane has also gained a certain reputation of a Friday or Saturday evening, especially in the summer when the evenings are warm. The main reason this reputation has come about I guess is that the spot is very very quiet, nice view over the exe estuary too but that would be of secondary interest I believe.


Anyway, that evening, in the summer, Richard and I decided to make this field the last spot to try our luck for a few pigeons. This meant we arrived at about 9.30pm and started to slowly walk around the field.


When we reached the dirt track we noticed a car parked by the gate. The interior light was switched on but the windows were some what misted up. Being two young lads we both knew instantly what was going on, a chance way to good to be missed.


After a whispered conversation we quickly crept into our positions, one either side of the car lying flat on our backs. How we did not give away our position I do not know, we both were having problems suppressing giggles.


At Richards signal we then let loose all 4 barrels of our shot guns straight into the air. We then both rolled away from the car and dived into the undergrowth.


The effect on the occupants in the car was quite startling. 2 heads appeared looking all around to see if they could spot anything, seconds later the guy jumped over the front seat into the drivers seat and started the engine. He was soon followed by his young lady in a certain state of undress. He did not wait for her the cover her modesty but slammed the car into reverse and exited the lane at some speed, he even forgot to turn his headlights on I seem to remember.


By this time Richard and I were in fits of laughter and could not even stand up for laughing so loud. It took us a good few minutes to get ourselves under control.


Later that evening we went down to one of the local pubs for a drink, we said nothing but over the next few weeks a story started to circulate that a local farmer had started to take pot shots at cars parked up at night in laybys. The track lost it's regular clientele for a good few months.


I often wonder if the poor guy was able to “perform†after the shock!



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I've caught a married couple who live local to me on four seperate occasions in the last eight or ten months. Nothing wrong with it aside from the fact they're married to different people :lol: Neither of them talk to me now, couldn't imagine why :rolleyes::lol:


Strange things go on at night, am still laughing at the beach dancing we saw one night, you had to be there...

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