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Another good day on the pigeons (304) July 07


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This picture shows a large percentage of the 304 pigeons 2 of us shot over laid wheat at the end of July, i had been watching the field for a couple of days previously and decided to have a go. I have been shooting pigeons for about 10 years now and i think i know the signs that i could be in for a good day. This had all of them ,very windy,overcast and hundreds of birds on the field when we got there. Started at 09.30 and the birds just did not stop coming in i could shoot one then the second one of the pair came in too they just couldnt hear the shots it was so windy. I have a beretta A391 and my mate the same i shot 3 at once twice !. At one time there were so many in the air they just kept circling around as we shot them. We finished at 3.00pm as i had to go out that evening but the birds were flying around our heads when we were picking up.

I called a farmer friend to collect the birds in his open topped land rover to save carrying them all back to my vehicle.

I clicked every bird we shot and killed so this is a very accurate total, although we only picked 267, sometimes you can cause more damage to the crops than the pigeons if you start looking for them all so we only picked what we saw on top of the laid patches. Sorry for the quality of the picture i only had my phone camera on me, since shooting this lot i decided to get a proper camera.



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