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Great day on the pigeons!!!!!

Evil Elvis

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;) Jerico and myself just had a great days shootings over wheat stubble. We got there and the farmer had decided to trim a load of oak trees, so we decided to make a permanent hide on the flightline and then to decoy for the day, It took us 2.5 hours to make the hide which basically was and extended bush, extended by 20 feet!!!! we trimmed back a load of primroses and removed a load of brambles, but all the materials that you can see was salvaged apart from a few wooden stakes which we found in the woods(honest!).


The day then started and never stopped, we had a crow and a few ferals to start with, then they came thick and fast onto the decoys in a horse shoe shape, each feral we shot got a stick up its *** and became a decoy. I had at least 3 double whammies and a TRIPLE woo hoo!!!


At one point, while clearing the dead ones Jerico and I were in the middle of the deeks and down came 5, ....bang, bang. bang. bang, bang....we got the lot!!!.....feathers like snow...everywhere!!!


As the afternoon turned into evening, the woodies started to arrive and we both had our eyes in by this time on the ferals and very few got past us.


The end result was 54 birds, 32 ferals, including a piebald and several black ones, 21 woodies and a crow. Our best result today, and what a day!!!!!


One funny incident that happenned was when Jerico decided to sit back have a fag and chill, i shot a pigeon, and my cart from the semi landed between his thumb and forefinger.....without him moving....was well funny....but you had to be there lol!!!


This is the view from behind the hide:



jerico is actually standing on a raised bit, the hide was up to my head and Im 6' "2, all the "hedge" left of jerico we built!!!


Jerico with Pigeons:




me with pigeons:



View down my gun out of the hide and over the deeks:



To round of a cool day, as we walked back to the car a fox made the mistake of walking out in front of me..........see other post!!!

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