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Hawkeye to the rescue


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I went down to hawkeye,s place tonight to pick my decoys up and was asked if i had most of the stuff i needed for decoying and i told him i was going to get a couple of floaters then he very kindly said he had a couple spare i could have so thanks to Hawkeye i now have two floaters and flying deeks


As i was on my motor bike i must have looked like Sir Lancelot going up the A19 with the floaters tucked under my arm!!


Once again Hawkeye (mike) thanks for being so kind







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Feet larger than is good for him I have seen.



Brandsburton shoot wanted to charge him tow green fee's as he was stood in the middle of their layout :lol:


On a serious note, shouldn't he have planning permission for daisy's that big B)


There must be a PW member that is a member of a council planning department?





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All right you lot take the urine i don't care just remember what goes round comes round :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



LB size 11 i think getting as bad as PIN trouble seeing them B) :lol: :lol:


Ray glad i was able to help just don't forget me when you have to many pigeons to shoot and need a hand...!!!!!!



smokinbarrels hope everything goes OK up the valley,

i think the shooting is going to be in good hands...


don't forget we will have that day decoying the blackones in the very near future...!!

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