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Another night on the stubble

sussex lad

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Fantastic night, and my first meeting with PW guy, although, Dunganick has been mentoring me with centerfire shooting.


SL, Axe, and Dunganick, thanks for the lamping session, I learnt alot, had a laugh and am quickly getting the hang of this centerfire business.

Will be good to have another bash sometime, otherwise see you at Bisley sometime?


I will be buying a lamp setup myself. Will look for something S/H first, otherwise get a lamp from potters.

Excuse spelling tonight, I have been.. testing.. the new Sloegin sample again :good:




P.S of the 6 bunnies I took, (not shot, others didnt want any) only 3 made it too the freezer. One apeared to have liver fluke (first time I have EVER seen this) and the others apeared to have mixy/other viral infections.


PPS you may see no blood/exit/entry markings on the fox, this is due to my auto headshot instinct, well trained from my breif, but vital airgun days. Its been a habbit ever since.. even after a year of firearm use.

The first fox took a tooth ahttering shot as the V-max entered the fox via the left and side of the mouth. She dropped treat.

Second fox I am sill unsure of the entry, but a better exit wound on the right side shoulder.


A good night! And.. I learnt more then I expected.. :o :lol:

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Fantastic night, and my first meeting with PW guy, although, Dunganick has been mentoring me with centerfire shooting.


SL, Axe, and Dunganick, thanks for the lamping session, I learnt alot, had a laugh and am quickly getting the hang of this centerfire business.

Will be good to have another bash sometime, otherwise see you at Bisley sometime?


I will be buying a lamp setup myself. Will look for something S/H first, otherwise get a lamp from potters.

Excuse spelling tonight, I have been.. testing.. the new Sloegin sample again :good:




P.S of the 6 bunnies I took, (not shot, others didnt want any) only 3 made it too the freezer. One apeared to have liver fluke (first time I have EVER seen this) and the others apeared to have mixy/other viral infections.


PPS you may see no blood/exit/entry markings on the fox, this is due to my auto headshot instinct, well trained from my breif, but vital airgun days. Its been a habbit ever since.. even after a year of firearm use.

The first fox took a tooth ahttering shot as the V-max entered the fox via the left and side of the mouth. She dropped treat.

Second fox I am sill unsure of the entry, but a better exit wound on the right side shoulder.


A good night! And.. I learnt more then I expected.. :o :lol:



A rabbit with liver fluke is perfectly safe to eat, just dont eat the liver!

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