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Bush Wear Seat Hide

Browning GTS

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I've got one and they are easy to put up and get down and there is no chance of the steel used in the hoops eventually twisting as in some hides (which makes them unusable). Yes, you do have to shoot sitting down and really the choice is only to shoot frontwards from the hide. Personally, I think they are rifle hides and not much good for shotguns - I prefer the big Corbieton "Reversa Hide" with roof panels for shotgun shooting. I use my Bushide quite a lot and use it with a Bushwear tripod I set up inside the hide. A piece of pigeon netting slung over the front with a hole for the muzzle and the quarry won't know you are there. I have had both Roe and Muntjac deer within feet (and I mean feet!) of me many, many times. And if you can fool deer you can fool anything.


Buy one!

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