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I've just got back from our lunchtime walk with my GSP.

While walking back along the towpath of the canal he pointed a clump of grass

(so I thought). It was one of the most intense points he's ever done.


When I got up to him I noticed a snake in the grass, partly curled up. The snake

slipped into the canal and then swam across to the other side and dissapeared into the undergrowth.


It was approx 24" long, and about 1" diameter at its widest, mid brown in colour

and very white patches at each side just behind its head.


Anyone any idea what type it was ?




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Grass snake is only resident snake which will enter water in search of tadpoles and frogs no doubt, at this time of year.


Canal must have been pretty warm though as being a reptile they need plenty of sun to keep the body temperature up or they get very sluggish and are in danger of becoming predated by herons, otters, mink, and other bankside dwellers.

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Thanks for your help gents. After a search for "grass snake image" on google

I found some pics that confirmed your posts.


I guess we must have disturbed its sunbathing and my heavy footfall made

it take to water to escape.


Thanks again,


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